EaseUS PDF Converter is a comprehensive file converting program that can be used to convert PDF to other formats.
Supported input formats: PDF, Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx), Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx), Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx), Image (JPG, PNG, JPEG, GIF)
Supported output formats: PDF, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, pptx, TXT, JPG, JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF
The unique selling point of this software is that, unlike many other PDF converters, it supports converting more than one files, say, 10 files, at once. This could save users a lot of time if there's many files to be converted.
Compatible with the latest Window 11 system, this program won't cause any problem during converting. If you are a Windows user, this should be one of your best choices when you need to convert PDF files.